Forecast CAPEX based
on accurate equipment lifespan and condition

Enertiv is the only cost-effective way to track your equipment’s condition, age, type, replacement history, value, and expected lifespan across your portfolio, every year.
With this data, we generate tailored capital plans so you can accurately predict replacements, prevent over or under-purchasing, and plan for each piece of equipment’s end-of-life date.
A screenshot of a dashboard showing the cost of a project.
Protecting assets for CRE owners, operators, and private equity firms
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Everything you need to forecast capex based on real-world data, not guesswork

Zero in on individual building details or get a bird’s eye view of your portfolio. Budgets and equipment lists can be downloaded as CSVs.

Equipment Condition

Assessed during the initial survey and updated based on last preventive maintenance or run-time hours.
A screen shot of a cell phone description.

Expected Replacement Date

Determined using manufacturer data and physical assessments.
A computer screen with a pie chart on it.


See planned spending for all your projects by property for the next 10 years and beyond.
A screenshot of a computer screen with a number of items on it.


Consolidate documents, costs, descriptions, recommendations, and updates for projects like equipment replacements and upgrades.
A screen shot of a web page with a number of items.

Decarbonization Roadmaps

Link decarbonization roadmaps to specific pieces of equipment and capital plans.
A table that has a bunch of things on it.
A screen shot of a web page with a picture of a machine.

Get accurate, up-to-date data on all your equipment

Enertiv delivers scalable, cost-effective surveys and asset tagging across North America, giving you a detailed equipment inventory without extra work from on-site teams.

This lets us create capital plans based on accurate data instead of relying on guesses or stale information.
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Includes age, type, model, estimated date of replacement, serial number, and any other information you need
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Digital inventory can be updated yearly as replacements are made, in time for budget season
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Can be scaled cost-effectively across an entire portfolio of hundreds of buildings

Forecast CAPEX years in advance with confidence

Enertiv uses equipment surveys and capital plans locked in spreadsheets to create forecasts based on real-world data. You get a forecast of capital expenditures for the next 10 years, or any desired period, without manually combing through accounting files or guesswork.
A pair of screenshots showing the same amount of money.
A group of people sitting at a table with laptops.

Challenge budgets based on data instead of  guesswork

Base your capital decisions on data when engaging with operators and capital partners. Challenge budgets with solid information and move beyond taking assertions at face value. Drive discussions with evidence, explaining budget discrepancies between planned and actual figures clearly.

Save weeks of data gathering during budget season

Enertiv consolidates your spreadsheets into a single source for tracking capital expenses and budgets. Key documents are directly linked to projects, ensuring activities and decision rationales are readily accessible in one spot.

This saves you time from manually sorting through files and keeps everything clear even with staff changes.
A screenshot of a table with two pricing options.
A screenshot of a web page with a number of items on it.

Avoid costly overbudgeting based on guesstimates

Avoid overestimating equipment replacements by making decisions based on accurate equipment condition and lifecycle assessments, not guestimates from operators.

Reduce costs by purchasing the exact amount needed at the best time, bulk purchasing to avoid retail markups, or postponing replacements when feasible.

Identify decarbonization opportunities and create tailored roadmaps for
each asset

Because Enertiv gives you a detailed equipment inventory - including type, refrigerant level, and electrical status, you can identify opportunities and create targeted decarbonization roadmaps for each asset.

By integrating these roadmaps with equipment-specific information and Capex, you can inform asset replacement and upgrade decisions based on your net zero goals.
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Track equipment using refrigerants to transition them to low-GWP alternatives
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Use equipment data to pinpoint opportunities for energy optimization, HVAC, and electric system upgrades
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Identify major budget allocations that can be shifted to support decarbonization efforts instead of standard replacements
A screen shot of a web page with an image of a machine.

Ready to chat?

See how top CRE owners and operators use Enertiv to forecast capex with confidence
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Frequently asked questions

How do you get the equipment condition?
How do you determine the replacement date for equipment?
How is the budget-related data sourced?
Can the data be exported to Excel?